What Manufacturers and Contractors Have in Common

Written by Walker | Jul 1, 1997 10:30:00 AM

There are differences- manufacturers produce a product (a machine in our case) and landscape maintenance contractors primarily deliver service, yet many aspects of business development, operation and management are the same. The similarity is particularly striking when it comes to the kind of customers that are the foundation of the business and are highly sought after as the most necessary ingredient to starting and sustaining a business. Here's the kind of customers we both want:

- Customers who are discriminating and will pay a fair price for value received; not always looking for the cheapest price.

- Customers who are loyal because of continuing satisfaction with the product or serv1ce.

- Customers who by "enthusiastic satisfaction'' help win new customers by word-of-mouth advertising.

- Customers who do their part to receive satisfaction (follow instructions, accept responsibility when responsible, not expecting "freebies" for every little thing).

These customers do exist! Walker Manufacturing has been fortunate to have more than our share. It brings to mind an old axiom that is part of our principles: In order to have good customers you need to be a good customer. Herein lies a paradox we see among some landscape contractors - they want to be paid top dollar for their work and pay bottom dollar for their equipment purchase and equipment dealer service. If you're wondering where all the "good customers" are, the old axiom might just point the way the next time you're shopping for equipment and working with your local dealer.